ORGAN accesories 2

MGRM Organ Accessories 2

Here we have a few bits that you may like  to add to your organ or tool Kit.

 Some of these items may be available cheaper online, but we guarantee they 100% work with our system's


This is to work with our Odeon SD Player and can add the facility to use the IR Remote to switch up to 6 relays in addition to the remote controlling the Player itself.

Each relay can "Switch" up to 240v 10amps.

i.e. Blower, Lights, etc. etc.

Multipin cable to connect to the Player supplied. This unit must have a seperate 5v supply, but a 12v supply option can be ordered to power this and the player.

Please have a chat with me stating your requirements.

Complete cased unit, with lead FROM £64.95+P&P



This is a standalone add on for other makers Midi Players.

Each relay can "Switch" up to 240v 10amps.

5 pin midi in and out sockets, place in between your music player and the instrument,
it will then switch anything with a midi CC or NOTE command from within your midi file.

NOTE:- This Will need seperate 9-12v power supply

Complete cased unit, with lead FROM £74.95+P&P

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